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Physical chemistry : a molecular approach (Registro nro. 16750)
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000 -Cabecera (24) | |
Campo de control interno | 27022nam a22002534aa4500 |
001 - Número de control | |
Campo de control | UTEA |
005 - Fecha y hora de la | |
Campo de control | 20240913183906.0 |
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Campos de control | g||||gr||||||01 nz |
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Tipo material | ta |
008 - Códigos de longitud fija (40p) | |
Campo de control de longitud fija | 240216b pe ||||| |||| 00| 0 spa d |
ISBN | 9780935702996 |
040 ## - Origen de la Catalogacion | |
Centro catalogador/agencia de origen | UTEA |
041 ## - Código de idioma (R) | |
Código de lengua del texto/banda sonora o título independiente (R) | spa |
082 ## - Número de la Clasificación | |
Número de la Clasificación | 541.3 |
Notación Interna | M1733p 1997 |
100 ## - Autor Personal | |
Autor Personal | McQuarrie, Donald A ; Simon,John D |
245 ## - Titulo | |
Titulo | Physical chemistry : a molecular approach |
Medio físico | [Impreso] |
250 ## - Mencion de edicion | |
Mencion de edicion | 21ava edición |
260 ## - Editorial | |
Ciudad | Sausalito (California) |
Nombre de la Editorial | University Science Books |
Fecha | 1997 |
300 ## - Descripcion | |
Páginas | 1360 páginas |
Dimensiones | 18 x 26 cm |
505 ## - Nota de contenido formateada | |
Nota de contenido formateada Índice del Libro] | Chapter 1. The Dawn of the Quantum Theory<br/>1-1. Blackbody Radiation Could Not Be Explained by Classical Physics<br/>1-2. Planck Used a Quantum Hypothesis to Derive the Blackbody Radiation Law<br/>1-3. Einstein Explained the Photoelectric Effect with a Quantum Hypothesis<br/>1-4. The Hydrogen Atomic Spectrum Consists of Several Series of Lines<br/>1-5. The Rydberg Formula Accounts for All the Lines in the Hydrogen Atomic Spectrum<br/>1-6. Louis de Broglie Postulated That Matter Has Wavelike Properties<br/>1-7. de Broglie Waves Are Observed Experimentally<br/>1-8. The Bohr Theory of the Hydrogen Atom Can Be Used to Derive the Rydberg Formula<br/>1-9. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle States That the Position and the Momentum of a Particle Cannot be Specified Simultaneously with Unlimited Precision<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter A / Complex Numbers<br/>Chapter 2. The Classical Wave Equation<br/>2-1. The One-Dimensional Wave Equation Describes the Motion of a Vibrating String<br/>2-2. The Wave Equation Can Be Solved by the Method of Separation of Variables<br/>2-3. Some Differential Equations Have Oscillatory Solutions<br/>2-4. The General Solution to the Wave Equation Is a Superposition of Normal Modes<br/>2-5. A Vibrating Membrane Is Described by a Two- Dimensional Wave Equation<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter B / Probability and Statistics<br/>Chapter 3. The Schrodinger Equation and a Particle In a Box<br/>3-1. The Schrodinger Equation Is the Equation for Finding the Wave Function of a Particle<br/>3-2. Classical-Mechanical Quantities Are Represented by Linear Operators in Quantum Mechanics<br/>3-3. The Schrodinger Equation Can be Formulated as an Eigenvalue Problem<br/>3-4. Wave Functions Have a Probabilistic Interpretation<br/>3-5. The Energy of a Particle in a Box Is Quantized<br/>3-6. Wave Functions Must Be Normalized<br/>3-7. The Average Momentum of a Particle in a Box is Zero<br/>3-8. The Uncertainty Principle Says That sigmapsigmax>h/2<br/>3-9. The Problem of a Particle in a Three-Dimensional Box is a Simple Extension of the One-Dimensional Case<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter C / Vectors<br/>Chapter 4. Some Postulates and General Principles of Quantum Mechanics<br/>4-1. The State of a System Is Completely Specified by its Wave Function<br/>4-2. Quantum-Mechanical Operators Represent Classical-Mechanical Variables<br/>4-3. Observable Quantities Must Be Eigenvalues of Quantum Mechanical Operators<br/>4-4. The Time Dependence of Wave Functions Is Governed by the Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation<br/>4-5. The Eigenfunctions of Quantum Mechanical Operators Are Orthogonal<br/>4-6. The Physical Quantities Corresponding to Operators That Commute Can Be Measured Simultaneously to Any Precision<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter D / Spherical Coordinates<br/>Chapter 5. The Harmonic Oscillator and the Rigid Rotator : Two Spectroscopic Models<br/>5-1. A Harmonic Oscillator Obeys Hooke’s Law<br/>5-2. The Equation for a Harmonic-Oscillator Model of a Diatomic Molecule Contains the Reduced Mass of the Molecule<br/>5-3. The Harmonic-Oscillator Approximation Results from the Expansion of an Internuclear Potential Around its Minimum<br/>5-4. The Energy Levels of a Quantum-Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator Are Ev = hw(v + 1/2) with v= 0,1,2…<br/>5-5. The Harmonic Oscillator Accounts for the Infrared Spectrum of a Diatomic Molecule<br/>5-6. The Harmonic-Oscillator Wave Functions Involve Hermite Polynomials<br/>5-7. Hermite Polynomials Are Either Even or Odd Functions<br/>5-8. The Energy Levels of a Rigid Rotator Are E = h<fontsize=2></fontsize=2> 2J(J+1)/2I<br/>5-9. The Rigid Rotator Is a Model for a Rotating Diatomic Molecule<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 6. The Hydrogen Atom<br/>6-1. The Schrodinger Equation for the Hydrogen Atom Can Be Solved Exactly<br/>6-2. The Wave Functions of a Rigid Rotator Are Called Spherical Harmonics<br/>6-3. The Precise Values of the Three Components of Angular Momentum Cannot Be Measured Simultaneously<br/>6-4. Hydrogen Atomic Orbitals Depend upon Three Quantum Numbers<br/>6-5. s Orbitals Are Spherically Symmetric<br/>6-6. There Are Three p Orbitals for Each Value of the Principle Quantum Number, n>= 2<br/>6-7. The Schrodinger Equation for the Helium Atom Cannot Be Solved Exactly<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter E / Determinants<br/>Chapter 7. Approximation Methods<br/>7-1. The Variational Method Provides an Upper Bound to the Ground-State Energy of a System<br/>7-2. A Trial Function That Depends Linearly on the Variational Parameters Leads to a Secular Determinant<br/>7-3. Trial Functions Can Be Linear Combinations of Functions That Also Contain Variational Parameters<br/>7-4. Perturbation Theory Expresses the Solution to One Problem in Terms of Another Problem Solved Previously<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 8. Multielectron Atoms<br/>8-1. Atomic and Molecular Calculations Are Expressed in Atomic Units<br/>8-2. Both Pertubation Theory and the Variational Method Can Yield Excellent Results for Helium<br/>8-3. Hartree-Fock Equations Are Solved by the Self-Consistent Field Method<br/>8-4. An Electron Has An Intrinsic Spin Angular Momentum<br/>8-5. Wave Functions Must Be Antisymmetric in the Interchange of Any Two Electrons<br/>8-6. Antisymmetric Wave Functions Can Be Represented by Slater Determinants<br/>8-7. Hartree-Fock Calculations Give Good Agreement with Experimental Data<br/>8-8. A Term Symbol Gives a Detailed Description of an Electron Configuration<br/>8-9. The Allowed Values of J are L+S, L+S-1, …..,|L-S|<br/>8-10. Hund’s Rules Are Used to Determine the Term Symbol of the Ground Electronic State<br/>8-11. Atomic Term Symbols Are Used to Describe Atomic Spectra<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 9. The Chemical Bond : Diatomic Molecules<br/>9-1. The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Simplifies the Schrodinger Equation for Molecules<br/>9-2. H2+ Is the Prototypical Species of Molecular-Orbital Theory<br/>9-3. The Overlap Integral Is a Quantitative Measure of the Overlap of Atomic Orbitals Situated on Different Atoms<br/>9-4. The Stability of a Chemical Bond Is a Quantum-Mechanical Effect<br/>9-5. The Simplest Molecular Orbital Treatment of H2+ Yields a Bonding Orbital and an Antibonding Orbital<br/>9-6. A Simple Molecular-Orbital Treatment of H2 Places Both Electrons in a Bonding Orbital<br/>9-7. Molecular Orbitals Can Be Ordered According to Their Energies<br/>9-8. Molecular-Orbital Theory Predicts that a Stable Diatomic Helium Molecule Does Not Exist<br/>9-9. Electrons Are Placed into Moleular Orbitals in Accord with the Pauli Exclusion Principle<br/>9-10. Molecular-Orbital Theory Correctly Predicts that Oxygen Molecules Are Paramagnetic<br/>9-11. Photoelectron Spectra Support the Existence of Molecular Orbitals<br/>9-12. Molecular-Orbital Theory Also Applies to Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules<br/>9-13. An SCF-LCAO-MO Wave Function Is a Molecular Orbital Formed from a Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals and Whose Coefficients Are Determined Self-Consistently<br/>9-14. Electronic States of Molecules Are Designated by Molecular Term Symbols<br/>9-15. Molecular Term Symbols Designate the Symmetry Properties of Molecular Wave Functions<br/>9-16. Most Molecules Have Excited Electronic States<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 10. Bonding in Polyatomic Molecules<br/>10-1. Hybrid Orbitals Account for Molecular Shape<br/>10-2. Different Hybrid Orbitals Are Used for the Bonding Electrons and the Lone Pair Electrons in Water<br/>10-3. Why is BeH2 Linear and H2O Bent?<br/>10-4. Photoelectron Spectroscopy Can Be Used to Study Molecular Orbitals<br/>10-5. Conjugated Hydrocarbons and Aromatic Hydrocarbons Can Be Treated by a Pi-Electron Approximation<br/>10-6. Butadiene is Stabilized by a Delocalization Energy<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 11. Computational Quantum Chemistry<br/>11-1. Gaussian Basis Sets Are Often Used in Modern Computational Chemistry<br/>11-2. Extended Basis Sets Account Accurately for the Size and Shape of Molecular Charge Distributions<br/>11-3. Asterisks in the Designation of a Basis Set Denote Orbital Polarization Terms<br/>11-4. The Ground-State Energy of H2 can be Calculated Essentially Exactly<br/>11-5. Gaussian 94 Calculations Provide Accurate Information About Molecules<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter F / Matrices<br/>Chapter 12. Group Theory : The Exploitation of Symmetry<br/>12-1. The Exploitation of the Symmetry of a Molecule Can Be Used to Significantly Simplify Numerical Calculations<br/>12-2. The Symmetry of Molecules Can Be Described by a Set of Symmetry Elements<br/>12-3. The Symmetry Operations of a Molecule Form a Group<br/>12-4. Symmetry Operations Can Be Represented by Matrices<br/>12-5. The C3V Point Group Has a Two-Dimenstional Irreducible Representation<br/>12-6. The Most Important Summary of the Properties of a Point Group Is Its Character Table<br/>12-7. Several Mathematical Relations Involve the Characters of Irreducible Representations<br/>12-8. We Use Symmetry Arguments to Prediect Which Elements in a Secular Determinant Equal Zero<br/>12-9. Generating Operators Are Used to Find Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals That Are Bases for Irreducible Representations<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 13. Molecular Spectroscopy<br/>13-1. Different Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Are Used to Investigate Different Molecular Processes<br/>13-2. Rotational Transitions Accompany Vibrational Transitions<br/>13-3. Vibration-Rotation Interaction Accounts for the Unequal Spacing of the Lines in the P and R Branches of a Vibration-Rotation Spectrum<br/>13-4. The Lines in a Pure Rotational Spectrum Are Not Equally Spaced<br/>13-5. Overtones Are Observed in Vibrational Spectra<br/>13-6. Electronic Spectra Contain Electronic, Vibrational, and Rotational Information<br/>13-7. The Franck-Condon Principle Predicts the Relative Intensities of Vibronic Transitions<br/>13-8. The Rotational Spectrum of a Polyatomic Molecule Depends Upon the Principal Moments of Inertia of the Molecule<br/>13-9. The Vibrations of Polyatomic Molecules Are Represented by Normal Coordinates<br/>13-10. Normal Coordinates Belong to Irreducible Representation of Molecular Point Groups<br/>13-11. Selection Rules Are Derived from Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory<br/>13-12. The Selection Rule in the Rigid Rotator Approximation Is Delta J = (plus or minus) 1<br/>13-13. The Harmonic-Oscillator Selection Rule Is Delta v = (plus or minus) 1<br/>13-14. Group Theory Is Used to Determine the Infrared Activity of Normal Coordinate Vibrations<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 14. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy<br/>14-1. Nuclei Have Intrinsic Spin Angular Momenta<br/>14-2. Magnetic Moments Interact with Magnetic Fields<br/>14-3. Proton NMR Spectrometers Operate at Frequencies Between 60 MHz and 750 MHz<br/>14-4. The Magnetic Field Acting upon Nuclei in Molecules Is Shielded<br/>14-5. Chemical Shifts Depend upon the Chemical Environment of the Nucleus<br/>14-6. Spin-Spin Coupling Can Lead to Multiplets in NMR Spectra<br/>14-7. Spin-Spin Coupling Between Chemically Equivalent Protons Is Not Observed<br/>14-8. The n+1 Rule Applies Only to First-Order Spectra<br/>14-9. Second-Order Spectra Can Be Calculated Exactly Using the Variational Method<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 15. Lasers, Laser Spectroscopy, and Photochemistry<br/>15-1. Electronically Excited Molecules Can Relax by a Number of Processes<br/>15-2. The Dynamics of Spectroscopic Transitions Between the Electronic States of Atoms Can Be Modeled by Rate Equations<br/>15-3. A Two-Level System Cannot Achieve a Population Inversion<br/>15-4. Population Inversion Can Be Achieved in a Three-Level System<br/>15-5. What is Inside a Laser?<br/>15-6. The Helium-Neon Laser is an Electrical-Discharge Pumped, Continuous-Wave, Gas-Phase Laser<br/>15-7. High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy Can Resolve Absorption Lines that Cannot be Distinguished by Conventional Spectrometers<br/>15-8. Pulsed Lasers Can by Used to Measure the Dynamics of Photochemical Processes<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter G / Numerical Methods<br/>Chapter 16. The Properties of Gases<br/>16-1. All Gases Behave Ideally If They Are Sufficiently Dilute<br/>16-2. The van der Waals Equation and the Redlich-Kwong Equation Are Examples of Two-Parameter Equations of State<br/>16-3. A Cubic Equation of State Can Describe Both the Gaseous and Liquid States<br/>16-4. The van der Waals Equation and the Redlich-Kwong Equation Obey the Law of Corresponding States<br/>16-5. The Second Virial Coefficient Can Be Used to Determine Intermolecular Potentials<br/>16-6. London Dispersion Forces Are Often the Largest Contributer to the r-6 Term in the Lennard-Jones Potential<br/>16-7. The van der Waals Constants Can Be Written in Terms of Molecular Parameters<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 17. The Boltzmann Factor And Partition Functions<br/>17-1. The Boltzmann Factor Is One of the Most Important Quantities in the Physical Sciences<br/>17-2. The Probability That a System in an Ensemble Is in the State j with Energy Ej (N,V) Is Proportional to e-Ej(N,V)/kBT<br/>17-3. We Postulate That the Average Ensemble Energy Is Equal to the Observed Energy of a System<br/>17-4. The Heat Capacity at Constant Volume Is the Temperature Derivative of the Average Energy<br/>17-5. We Can Express the Pressure in Terms of a Partition Function<br/>17-6. The Partition Function of a System of Independent, Distinguishable Molecules Is the Product of Molecular Partition Functions<br/>17-7. The Partition Function of a System of Independent, Indistinguishable Atoms or Molecules Can Usually Be Written as [q(V,T)]N/N!<br/>17-8. A Molecular Partition Function Can Be Decomposed into Partition Functions for Each Degree of Freedom<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter I / Series and Limits<br/>Chapter 18. Partition Functions And Ideal Gases<br/>18-1. The Translational Partition Function of a Monatomic Ideal Gas is (2pi mkBT /h2) 3/2V<br/>18-2. Most Atoms Are in the Ground Electronic State at Room Temperature<br/>18-3. The Energy of a Diatomic Molecule Can Be Approximated as a Sum of Separate Terms<br/>18-4. Most Molecules Are in the Ground Vibrational State at Room Temperature<br/>18-5. Most Molecules Are in Excited Rotational States at Ordinary Temperatures<br/>18-6. Rotational Partition Functions Contain a Symmetry Number<br/>18-7. The Vibrational Partition Function of a Polyatomic Molecule Is a Product of Harmonic Oscillator Partition Functions for Each Normal Coordinate<br/>18-8. The Form of the Rotational Partition Function of a Polyatomic Molecule Depends Upon the Shape of the Molecule<br/>18-9. Calculated Molar Heat Capacities Are in Very Good Agreement with Experimental Data<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 19. The First Law of Thermodynamics<br/>19-1. A Common Type of Work is Pressure-Volume Work<br/>19-2. Work and Heat Are Not State Functions, but Energy is a State Function<br/>19-3. The First Law of Thermodynamics Says the Energy Is a State Function<br/>19-4. An Adiabatic Process Is a Process in Which No Energy as Heat Is Transferred<br/>19-5. The Temperature of a Gas Decreases in a Reversible Adiabatic Expansion<br/>19-6. Work and Heat Have a Simple Molecular Interpretation<br/>19-7. The Enthalpy Change Is Equal to the Energy Transferred as Heat in a Constant-Pressure Process Involving Only P-V Work<br/>19-8. Heat Capacity Is a Path Function<br/>19-9. Relative Enthalpies Can Be Determined from Heat Capacity Data and Heats of Transition<br/>19-10. Enthalpy Changes for Chemical Equations Are Additive<br/>19-11. Heats of Reactions Can Be Calculated from Tabulated Heats of Formation<br/>19-12. The Temperature Dependence of deltarH is Given in Terms of the Heat Capacities of the Reactants and Products<br/>Problems<br/>MathChapter J / The Binomial Distribution and Stirling’s Approximation<br/>Chapter 20. Entropy and The Second Law of Thermodynamics<br/>20-1. The Change of Energy Alone Is Not Sufficient to Determine the Direction of a Spontaneous Process<br/>20-2. Nonequilibrium Isolated Systems Evolve in a Direction That Increases Their Disorder<br/>20-3. Unlike qrev, Entropy Is a State Function<br/>20-4. The Second Law of Thermodynamics States That the Entropy of an Isolated System Increases as a Result of a Spontaneous Process<br/>20-5. The Most Famous Equation of Statistical Thermodynamics is S = kB ln W<br/>20-6. We Must Always Devise a Reversible Process to Calculate Entropy Changes<br/>20-7. Thermodynamics Gives Us Insight into the Conversion of Heat into Work<br/>20-8. Entropy Can Be Expressed in Terms of a Partition Function<br/>20-9. The Molecular Formula S = kB in W is Analogous to the Thermodynamic Formula dS = deltaqrev/T<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 21. Entropy And The Third Law of Thermodynamics<br/>21-1. Entropy Increases With Increasing Temperature<br/>21-2. The Third Law of Thermodynamics Says That the Entropy of a Perfect Crystal is Zero at 0 K<br/>21-3. deltatrsS = deltatrsH / Ttrs at a Phase Transition<br/>21-4. The Third Law of Thermodynamics Asserts That CP -> 0 as T -> 0<br/>21-5. Practical Absolute Entropies Can Be Determined Calorimetrically<br/>21-6. Practical Absolute Entropies of Gases Can Be Calculated from Partition Functions<br/>21-7. The Values of Standard Entropies Depend Upon Molecular Mass and Molecular Structure<br/>21-8. The Spectroscopic Entropies of a Few Substances Do Not Agree with the Calorimetric Entropies<br/>21-9. Standard Entropies Can Be Used to Calculate Entropy Changes of Chemical Reactions<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 22. Helmholtz and Gibbs Energies<br/>22-1. The Sign of the Helmholtz Energy Change Determines the Direction of a Spontaneous Process in a System at Constant Volume and Temperature<br/>22-2. The Gibbs Energy Determines the Direction of a Spontaneous Process for a System at Constant Pressure and Temperature<br/>22-3. Maxwell Relations Provide Several Useful Thermodynamic Formulas<br/>22-4. The Enthalpy of an Ideal Gas Is Independent of Pressure<br/>22-5. The Various Thermodynamic Functions Have Natural Independent Variables<br/>22-6. The Standard State for a Gas at Any Temperature Is the Hypothetical Ideal Gas at One Bar<br/>22-7. The Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation Describes the Temperature Dependance of the Gibbs Energy<br/>22-8. Fugacity Is a Measure of the Nonideality of a Gas<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 23. Phase Equilibria<br/>23-1. A Phase Diagram Summarizes the Solid-Liquid-Gas Behavior of a Substance<br/>23-2. The Gibbs Energy of a Substance Has a Close Connection to Its Phase Diagram<br/>23-3. The Chemical Potentials of a Pure Substance in Two Phases in Equilibrium Are Equal<br/>23-4. The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation Gives the Vapor Pressure of a Substance As a Function of Temperature<br/>23-5. Chemical Potential Can be Evaluated From a Partition Function<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 24. Solutions I: Liquid-Liquid Solutions<br/>24-1. Partial Molar Quantities Are Important Thermodynamic Properites of Solutions<br/>24-2. The Gibbs-Duhem Equation Relates the Change in the Chemical Potential of One Component of a Solution to the Change in the Chemical Potential of the Other<br/>24-3. The Chemical Potential of Each Component Has the Same Value in Each Phase in Which the Component Appears<br/>24-4. The Components of an Ideal Solution Obey Raoult’s Law for All Concentrations<br/>24-5. Most Solutions are Not Ideal<br/>24-6. The Gibbs-Duhem Equation Relats the Vapor Pressures of the Two Components of a Volatile Binary Solution<br/>24-7. The Central Thermodynamic Quantity for Nonideal Solutions is the Activity<br/>24-8. Activities Must Be Calculated with Respect to Standard States<br/>24-9. We Can Calculate the Gibbs Energy of Mixing of Binary Solutions in Terms of the Activity Coefficient<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 25. Solutions II: Solid-Liquid Solutions<br/>25-1. We Use a Raoult’s Law Standard State for the Solvent and a Henry’s Law Standard State for the Solute for Solutionsof Solids Dissolved in Liquids<br/>25-2. The Activity of a Nonvolatile Solute Can Be Obtained from the Vapor Pressure of the Solvent<br/>25-3. Colligative Properties Are Solution Properties That Depend Only Upon the Number Density of Solute Particles<br/>25-4. Osmotic Pressure Can Be Used to Determine the Molecular Masses of Polymers<br/>25-5. Solutions of Electrolytes Are Nonideal at Relatively Low Concentrations<br/>25-6. The Debye-Hukel Theory Gives an Exact Expression of 1n gamma(plus or minus) For Very Dilute Solutions<br/>25-7. The Mean Spherical Approximation Is an Extension of the Debye-Huckel Theory to Higher Concentrations<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 26. Chemical Equilibrium<br/>26-1. Chemical Equilibrium Results When the Gibbs Energy Is a Minimun with Respect to the Extent of Reaction<br/>26-2. An Equilibrium Constant Is a Function of Temperature Only<br/>26-3. Standard Gibbs Energies of Formation Can Be Used to Calculate Equilibrium Constants<br/>26-4. A Plot of the Gibbs Energy of a Reaction Mixture Against the Extent of Reaction Is a Minimum at Equilibrium<br/>26-5. The Ratio of the Reaction Quotient to the Equilibrium Constant Determines the Direction in Which a Reaction Will Proceed<br/>26-6. The Sign of deltar G And Not That of deltar Go Determines the Direction of Reaction Spontaneity<br/>26-7. The Variation of an Equilibrium Constant with Temperature Is Given by the Van’t Hoff Equation<br/>26-8. We Can Calculate Equilibrium Constants in Terms of Partition Functions<br/>26-9. Molecular Partition Functions and Related Thermodynamic Data Are Extensively Tabulated<br/>26-10. Equilibrium Constants for Real Gases Are Expressed in Terms of Partial Fugacities<br/>26-11. Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constants Are Expressed in Terms of Activities<br/>26-12. The Use of Activities Makes a Significant Difference in Solubility Calculations Involving Ionic Species<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 27. The Kinetic Theory of Gases<br/>27-1. The Average Translational Kinetic Energy of the Molecules in a Gas Is Directly Proportional to the Kelvin Temperature<br/>27-2. The Distribution of the Components of Molecular Speeds Are Described by a Gaussian Distribution<br/>27-3. The Distribution of Molecular Speeds Is Given by the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution<br/>27-4. The Frequency of Collisions that a Gas Makes with a Wall Is Proportional to its Number Density and to the Average Molecular Speed<br/>27-5. The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Has Been Verified Experimentally<br/>27-6. The Mean Free Path Is the Average Distance a Molecule Travels Between Collisions<br/>27-7. The Rate of a Gas-Phase Chemical Reaction Depends Upon the Rate of Collisions in Which the Relative Kinetic Energy Exceeds Some Critical Value<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 28. Chemical Kinetics I : Rate Laws<br/>28-1. The Time Dependence of a Chemical Reaction Is Described by a Rate Law<br/>28-2. Rate Laws Must Be Determined Experimentally<br/>28-3. First-Order Reactions Show an Exponential Decay of Reactant Concentration with Time<br/>28-4. The Rate Laws for Different Reaction Orders Predict Different Behaviors for the Time-Dependent Reactant Concentration<br/>28-5. Reactions Can Also Be Reversible<br/>28-6. The Rate Constants of a Reversible Reaction Can Be Determined Using Relaxation Techniques<br/>28-7. Rate Constants Are Usually Strongly Temperature Dependent<br/>28-8. Transition-State Theory Can Be Used to Estimate Reaction Rate Constants<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 29. Chemical Kinetics II : Reaction Mechanisms<br/>29-1. A Mechanism is a Sequence of Single-Step Chemical Reactions called Elementary Reactions<br/>29-2. The Principle of Detailed Balance States that when a Complex Reaction is at Equilibrium, the Rate of the Forward Process is Equal to the Rate of the Reverse Process for Each and Every Step of the Reaction Mechanism<br/>29-3. When Are Consecutive and Single-Step Reactions Distinguishable?<br/>29-4. The Steady-State Approximation Simplifies Rate Expressions yy Assuming that d[I]/dt=0, where I is a Reaction Intermediate<br/>29-5. The Rate Law for a Complex Reaction Does Not Imply a Unique Mechanism<br/>29-6. The Lindemann Mechanism Explains How Unimolecular Reactions Occur<br/>29-7. Some Reaction Mechanisms Involve Chain Reactions<br/>29-8. A Catalyst Affects the Mechanism and Activation Energy of a Chemical Reaction<br/>29-9. The Michaelis-Menten Mechanism Is a Reaction Mechanism for Enzyme Catalysis<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 30. Gas-Phase Reaction Dynamics<br/>30-1. The Rate of Bimolecular Gas-Phase Reaction Can Be Calculated Using Hard-Sphere Collision Theory and an Energy-Dependent Reaction Cross Section<br/>30-2. A Reaction Cross Section Depends Upon the Impact Parameter<br/>30-3. The Rate Constant for a Gas-Phase Chemical Reaction May Depend on the Orientations of the Colliding Molecules<br/>30-4. The Internal Energy of the Reactants Can Affect the Cross Section of a Reaction<br/>30-5. A Reactive Collision Can Be Described in a Center-of-Mass Coordinate System<br/>30-6. Reactive Collisions Can be Studied Using Crossed Molecular Beam Machines<br/>30-7. The Reaction F(g) +D2 (g) => DF(g) + D(g) Can Produce Vibrationally Excited DF(g) Molecules<br/>30-8. The Velocity and Angular Distribution of the Products of a Reactive Collision Provide a Molecular Picture of the Chemical Reaction<br/>30-9. Not All Gas-Phase Chemical Reactions Are Rebound Reactions<br/>30-10. The Potential-Energy Surface for the Reaction F(g) + D2(g) => DF(g) + D(g) Can Be Calculated Using Quantum Mechanics<br/>Problems<br/>Chapter 31. Solids and Surface Chemistry<br/>31-1. The Unit Cell Is the Fundamental Building Block of a Crystal<br/>31-2. The Orientation of a Lattice Plane Is Described by its Miller Indices<br/>31-3. The Spacing Between Lattice Planes Can Be Determined from X-Ray Diffraction Measurements<br/>31-4. The Total Scattering Intensity Is Related to the Periodic Structure of the Electron Density in the Crystal<br/>31-5. The Structure Factor and the Electron Density Are Related by a Fourier Transform<br/>31-6. A Gas Molecule Can Physisorb or Chemisorb to a Solid Surface<br/>31-7. Isotherms Are Plots of Surface Coverage as a Function of Gas Pressure at Constant Temperature<br/>31-8. The Langmuir Isotherm Can Be Used to Derive Rate Laws for Surface-Catalyzed Gas-Phase Reactions<br/>31-9. The Structure of a Surface is Different from that of a Bulk Solid<br/>31-10. The Reaction Between H2(g) and N 2(g) to Make NH3 (g) Can Be Surface Catalyzed<br/>Problems |
520 ## - Resumen | |
Resumen | As the first modern physical chemistry textbook to cover quantum mechanics before thermodynamics and kinetics, this book provides a contemporary approach to the study of physical chemistry. By beginning with quantum chemistry, students will learn the fundamental principles upon which all modern physical chemistry is built. The text includes a special set of “MathChapters” to review and summarize the mathematical tools required to master the material. Thermodynamics is simultaneously taught from a bulk and microscopic viewpoint that enables the student to understand how bulk properties of materials are related to the properties of individual constituent molecules. This new text includes a variety of modern research topics in physical chemistry as well as hundreds of worked problems and examples.<br/><br/>Translated into French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Polish. |
650 ## - Temas - Descriptores | |
Temas - Descriptores | Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry |
9 (RLIN) | 55408 |
942 ## - Datos personalizados Koha | |
Esquema de Clasificacion | Dewey Decimal Classification |
Tipo de Documento | Libros |
Fecha procesamiento | 2024-09-13 |
Catalogador | Lizbeth Cañari Quispe |
Estado de retiro | Estado de pérdida | Fuente de Clasificacion | Estado | No para préstamo | Escuela Profesional/ Mención de Maestría | Localización permanente | Ubicación/localización actual | Ubicación en estantería | Fecha de adquisición | Signatura topográfica completa | Código de barras | Precio válido a partir de | Tipo de ítem Koha |
Dewey Decimal Classification | E.P. Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática | Biblioteca Cusco UTEA | Biblioteca Cusco UTEA | Biblioteca Puputi | 09/13/2024 | 541.3 M1733p | BCUS24020440 | 02/16/2024 | Libros |